There are spoilers ahead...
I've taken a long time to post about this movie because I'm not sure how I felt about it. I went with some of my girlfriends to this great old theatre in the 'burbs. My friend KJ made this cute little finger foods and cosmos party at her apt and we all dressed up and headed to the theatre. The place was great- old theatre with creaky seats, huge ceilings, painted ornate walls, etc. It was great. I had love the Sex and the City series on HBO and I thought it tackled a lot of pertinent topics about being single and living in a city. I loved the power the women held, and although Carrie mostly drove me nuts with her flaky personality, I loved Miranda's personality because I identified immensely with it. I loved Samantha's confidence - I wish I was as confident about myself - and Charlotte reminded me of the dreamer in me. Anyways, I felt the series ended well, putting the emphasis on the four women and how important their relationship is with each other. This movie starts off 5 years after the series has ended. All the women's personalities have changed to a certain extent. Samantha is living with Smith, her last boyfriend from the series, but they've moved to Hollywood and Samantha has turned into a woman waiting at home for her boyfriend to come home instead of out doing things like she normally would have been. Charlotte is the same, but we see some bad sides come out in her at some points. Carrie is even more superficial (if you can believe it) and Miranda is so bogged down by work she doesn't even notice her marriage going down the drain. I feel that Miranda and Steve's story about working, raising a family and forgetting to be married is a pretty common theme and I was glad they addressed it. Although, I was surprised at the casual way Miranda threw out her marriage and "moved on", although they eventually work it out and get back together. The outfits were outrageous, which was wonderful to watch, although the cliche montage scenes of trying on old clothes could have been left out (seriously, how many times do you want to see Carrie in old dresses she wore in the series?). And how many entrances can Samantha make, having just flown in from LA? But the worst thing of all was the major plot line. Big and Carrie decide to get married and then he leaves her at the altar after she plans "too big of a wedding". I thought this was ridiculous. She got "Carried away" (I'm punny!) and he couldn't see himself there at all. So, of course, the girls go with Carrie to her Mexican honeymoon (where Charlotte shits herself-totally hysterical!) and then attempts to muddle through the breakup with Big again. Of course, in the end, they end up together, getting married at the courthouse, and he called the girls to meet them after the ceremony. I think this movie was a lot of fun to watch - beautiful scenery, amazing city shots (Chinatown had NO trash ANYWHERE!). The movie is like a reunion of a sorts -catching up with old friends. But instead of being happy, it turns into a big giant mess. I realize there has to be some drama in the plot or no one would want to watch it. I'm just bummed they had to compromise the character's personalities and cores to accomplish it. It's sad that four women's relationships with each other has to be turned into the over-dramatic left at the altar plot. I was expecting more than that from the writers. Especially for the highest grossing movie with only women as leads.
Good review kiddo. Had I ever watched SATC I'd be totally interested to see this movie. However? Nay.
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