Phillies Phever
If you haven't heard, the Philadelphia Phillies are in the World Series. I've been hesitant to write about this since Randi is such a big Dodgers fan and the Phillies beat the Dodgers, but it's a subject I've just got to talk about. The Phillies are beating the Tampa Bay Rays 3 games to 1 and tonight could be the last game of the Series if the Phils win. Since the Phillies have been in the playoffs, this city has been insane. Everywhere you turn, people are wearing Phillies shirts, hats, shoes, sweatshirts, jerseys, etc. The entire city has turned red, including all the buildings downtown (which are normally pink this time of year for breast cancer awareness). Everyone's talking about it, everyone's house is displaying Phillies signs and gear. Kids have hung up "Go Phillies!" signs in their front windows (see, we don't have front yards here, just sidewalks, so you can see them everywhere). Of course, the Phillies signs are next to the "Got Hope? Obama for President" signs as well. This city is just crazy about their sports teams. And I gotta admit, I can't think of another city more desrving of a World Series win. This city exists on the eastern seaboard between NYC and Washington DC and as long as I have lived here has had an inferiority complex. We've got crime stats that will blow your mind, high unemployment, a disproportionate number of poor people, failing schools, failing infrastructure, a blue collar / union class that's seeing their jobs shipped overseas or out of the state, low retention rate of students and professionals who come here for education, corrupt government, and many, many other problems that are highlighted with some frequency on the national news. We do have wonderful things like arts and sciences and performances (which, if you've read my blog before, are generally pretty good) plus lots of history and great areas to walk, bike, hike, etc. It's a good city with a heart of gold and a pulse that beats with every game of the Phils, the Eagles, the Flyers or the Sixers. People here aren't just "sports fans". They're SPORTS FANS. Everyone knows stats, who played for whom during what season, where the old and the new stadiums were, when the last championships were and what McNabb ate for lunch yesterday. This city breathes sports, pulsates sports and watches sports fanatically. Every sport. All the time. We're notorious for boo-ing Santa Claus, for boo-ing our own teams when they're doing poorly, because we know they're so much better than that. (Hell, we scream "Eva" every time Evan Longoria comes up to bat - I think we've really got in his head lately!) And we come back every year, hoping, wishing, bearing talismans and charms, buying beers and rooting for the home team. That's the kind of city we are. This love crosses lines, crosses neighborhoods, barriers, rich and poor, black or white - it's all over the city. So, I think Philly deserves a little bit of good news, a little bit of good press, and a whole lotta love. This team has gone from our hometown favorite to the national news and we couldn't be prouder. And you can bet that rain delay, wind, cold weather - nothing- will stop the millions of fans in the area from being glued to the game tonight. Go Phils!
1 comment:
Listened to the game on the way home from the airport last night. Buzz and I cheered for you!
GO PHILLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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