Monday, August 16, 2010

Random Snippets

  • Got back from a conference in Albuquerque, NM and a trip to Colorado Springs, CO on Saturday.
  • New Mexico has some of the best salsa I have ever tasted.
  • Albuquerque is not really a "city", per se, but the public transportation was awesome. $1 to ride, bus runs every 10 mins - better than Philly!
  • I breathe better when there is no humidity.
  • I am prone to altitude sickness.
  • People in the western US just seem happier than people in the eastern US. I am not sure if they hide it better, or if they are genuinely happier, but they are much more pleasant to deal with.
  • There are a lot of white people in Santa Fe, NM.
  • I bought a ring from a Native American woman in Santa Fe. I'm not sure what to do with the unreasonable poverty and lack of education pervasive on Reservations. Because I am so far removed, I don't know how to approach and think about it. And I'm still not sure how I feel about the casinos, either.
  • I like the mountains. I miss seeing them.
  • Flying into Dallas is not fun. The heat and humidity makes for a rough ride landing.
  • Flying out of Philadelphia at 6am is a good time to go. Even if it is 6am.
  • Colorado Springs is not a good airport to fly out of. They're not too sure what they're doing. My computer had to be re-screened several times.
  • One nice thing at Colorado Springs, is they let the families of soldiers accompany them to the gate to see them off. I was crying, just watching the interaction. I sometimes wish there was no need for military and good-byes.
  • Ugggghhhh, it's humid.....

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