Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Random Snippets

  • Yes, it's still raining. And the wind chill is below freezing. It's snowing already in the Poke-her-nose. Yuck!
  • Whenever I think of the word "blustery", I think of Winnie the Pooh. And then it makes me think of my favorite poem by A. A. Milne (words to live by, fer shure):
"Now we are Six"

When I was one,
I had just begun,
When I was two,
I was nearly new,
When I was three,
I was hardly me,
When I was four,
I was not much more,
When I was five,
I was barely alive,
Now that I'm six,
I'm as clever as clever,
I think I'll stay six now
forever and ever.

  • The more I hear about Sarah Palin, the more I just despise her. She misspeaks so much it drives me mad. Maybe I'll blog about that more sometime.
  • Wish I could just curl up with a good book today instead of working. But I do get to try out my new snow boots (which are quite snuggy, thank you very much!
  • Cod reminded me of something that happened to me a while ago. I was getting ready to leave for Philly to start my PhD. I ran into our old English teacher from high school while I was at the mall with Randi. Instead of asking how we were and what we were up to, she promptly laid into me for a paper I never turned in (which, by the was was due AFTER graduation! - who turns in a paper after grad? I had already gotten into UCSB and was headed there in the fall - why bother?). Anyways, I managed to tell her I was starting my PhD at Penn in a couple weeks. The look on her face was priceless :)

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