Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Numbers

  • On Friday, we went to one thesis defense party (although I had attended three defenses in the last week!). I had two High Lifes - the Champagne of Beers.
  • Rode our bikes over 60 miles on Saturday to Iron Hill Brewery in Phoenixville. There were 6 of us in a group, and I tried out my new road bike with the clipless pedals and new seat. The seat, I think I'll change. The pedals were scary and will definitely take some getting used to. But, thankfully, I did not crash or fall off the bike, but I was pretty tired come the end of the day. We then celebrated with one bottle of wine and a large amount of dinner.
  • Watched the Phils lose to the Giants, 4-3. What a bummer. But honestly, I'm kinda glad the season is over. I think the Phils performed to the best of their abilities. We've made it to the World Series or the NLCS the past 3 years in a row! Personally, I think they're an awesome team and I am really proud of how they played. I don't think the Giants will win it, though. Their pitching just isn't that strong. But I guess we'll see....
  • Ran errands and made all things apple yesterday. We literally had over 30 apples, so I made apple bread, apple cobbler and apple butter (canned). I made 9 jars of apple butter. Christmas presents perhaps? I must admit, my arms hurt a little today from all the apple peeling....ugh!
  • Today, I am writing 2 articles for our departmental newsletter. There have been some pretty cool science-y things going on around here and I get to write about them. Love it!


Randi said...

Good job on the bike ride, dude!

Word verfication: daemb as in "Daemb I can't believe you rode that far."

Coodence said...

You have my address, for that apple butter.